
January 18, 2015

Fuying & Sam 2°C Live in Malaysia Concert + celebration party @ Neway Times Square

Wasn’t plan for this until my elder sis texted me and said that her friend have extra ticket 
for Fuying & Sam 2°C Live in Malaysia Concert. To make sure that we would waste that 
ticket, so I went for it. Hehe…

We were a bit late due to the traffic but luckily the show hasn’t start when we arrived. The 
concert started with the appearance of Fuying & Sam while singing their song.

Fuying & Sam had also invited Alvin and Eric as their guest for the concert. Together they 
performed the OST for the movie that they are participated in, “My Dream”. In the concert, 
they performed songs of different languages to the fans.

They were so surprised and touched when the fans hold the paper that print “可以” (Can) when 
they sing their “可不可以你也刚好喜欢我” (Can you be in love with me too?). 

The concert end about 10.45pm but the night is still young. Due to my sister’s friend is 
the employee of one of the sponsor, she will need to go for the celebration party in 
Neway Times Square. 

Of course we are not allowed to enter their party room, so we have our 
sing K session there another room. However, we are lucky that able met both of them at 
corridor with super short distance for few times and able to get signature from them. =D

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