
March 22, 2015

Kangsane Korean Restaurant @ Ampang

Went to Ampang again to try on the Korean Restaurant there. Thought to go there earlier to have a look on what they have there but sadly most of the shops were close. That area is quite quiet and empty on weekend (except dinner time, of course). 

We decided to try in this restaurant named "Kangsane" as it have more customers dining in when we was there at 5pm. Of course can’t go into some empty shop! Haha… I like the layout of the restaurant as most of the tables are in cubicle. Customers can have more privacy while enjoying their meal there. 

We decided not go for BBQ but to try their ala carte meal, BiBimBap and Tteok Ramen. Soon, they served the food and continue with total of 9 banchans. I dint expect for banchans as we are ordering ala carte meal. For drink, we decided to go for waters. (It is free! We only found out when we pay the bill.)

The BiBimBap was really in big portion with lots of rice in it. Hardly to finish that especially with all the banchans served on the table. Tteok Ramen was good as I hardly find a non-spicy ramen. I can’t really take spicy so that why I always take those not spicy one.

Maybe I should come back again to try for their BBQ. The reason why I was not going for BBQ is because normally Korean restaurant will need to order at least 2 meats. 2 persons will hardly able to finish 2 meats plus lot of banchans that they served. =

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