
April 12, 2015

Taman Wetland @ PutraJaya

Never knew that Selangor area still have this kind of place until I went there yesterday, 
Taman Wetland, Putrajaya. My sister’s organization was having the half day departmental 
family day there.

The entrance of Taman Wetland
We reached and parked our car at the parking area and take the buggy car to reach to our “campsite”. It was about 15 minutes journey from reception area to reach our campsite. Throughout the journey, I was amazed with the nice scenery and calming environment. 

The reception area near to the parking lot.
The buggy car that bring us around.
Our campsite is situated by the lake, with a super amazing view. 

Our campsite next to lake

The lake view.
It was a ‘wakaf’ that well equipped with all the barbeque equipment, water sink and also water dispenser. There is a washroom near to our campsite.

Barbeque equipment
Washroom which just beside the campsite.
The environment is peaceful and very relaxing. Highly recommend to those who like the
 natural scenery!

The lake view
The small jetty nearby


  1. Hi
    is the bbq allowed there ?? is it free or with charge ? how can I book that place ?

    1. Hi Saleh,

      BBQ is allowed there. you may go into this link for more details.
      This details are since 2014. you may contact to the place for more details.


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